IADC Announces New Board Leaders and Members for 2022-23

The International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) has elected new Board of Directors leaders and members for 2022-23. The elections were announced at the IADC’s 2022 Annual Meeting July 14 in Berlin, Germany. The IADC is the preeminent invitation-only global legal organization for attorneys who represent corporate and insurance interests.

The IADC board oversees activities that benefit the organization’s members and their clients, as well as the civil justice system, the legal profession, and society in general. In addition to its core purpose involving professional development for members, the IADC takes a leadership role in many areas of legal reform. IADC members are among the world’s leading corporate and insurance lawyers at large and small law firms and senior counsel in corporate law departments, as well as corporate and insurance executives. Members represent the largest corporations around the world, including many of the companies listed in the FORTUNE 500.

The new IADC board leaders, along with their law firm or company affiliations, are:


Mark R. Beebe

Adams and Reese LLP

New Orleans, Louisiana


Michele Y. Smith

MehaffyWeber, P.C.

Houston, Texas

Immediate Past President

Spencer H. Silverglate

Clarke Silverglate, P.A.

Miami, Florida

Vice President of Corporate

Mark D. Hansen


Bloomington, Illinois


Alex J. Hagan

Ellis & Winters LLP

Raleigh, North Carolina

The new IADC board members (three-year terms), along with their law firm affiliations, are:

Donna L. Burden

Burden, Hafner & Hansen, LLC

Buffalo, New York

Joseph D. Cohen

Porter Hedges LLP

Houston, Texas

Jessalyn H. Zeigler

Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

Nashville, Tennessee

About the International Association of Defense Counsel

The IADC is the preeminent invitation-only global legal organization for attorneys who represent corporate and insurance interests. Founded in 1920, the IADC has members who hail from six continents, 49 countries and territories, and all 50 U.S. states. The core purposes of the IADC are to enhance the development of skills, promote professionalism, and facilitate camaraderie among its members and their clients, as well as the broader civil justice community. For more information, visit www.iadclaw.org.