3 Years After Pilot, PHL Installs More Face-scanning Tech for International Travel

Heads up: Travelers coming through the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) will soon spot a tech-enabled security measure at more boarding gates, as the airport more widely installs facial biometric technology.

Technical.ly first wrote about the artificial intelligence-based technology, which compares a live photo to images that the traveler has previously provided to the government — like a passport or visa photo — in early 2020. The airport was testing biometric screening as part of its work with US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), and was initially testing three different scanning machines over a 45-day period.

As of this month, the airport said it would be installing facial biometric technology at 25 boarding gates in Terminals A-East and A-West. The goal is to help CBP process departing passengers on international flights more “safely and efficiently.” CBP has a congressional mandate following 9/11 to biometrically record all non-US citizens who enter and exit the United States.