How to Boost Accessibility, According to The Washington Post’s First Accessibility Engineer

In 2023, boosting accessibility is becoming a regular to-do list item for plenty of tech teams.

Right now, though, most websites aren’t accessible in one way or another. According to WebAIM, a nonprofit based out of Utah State University, 96.8% of home pages don’t meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. This is why media giant The Washington Post brought on an engineer in January dedicated solely to accessibility. Holden Foreman, who joined The Post as an engineering intern in 2020 before taking on a full stack role, said that he hopes to focus on maintaining up-to-date tech and educating colleagues on accessibility practices.

But even without a dedicated accessibility engineer on staff, there’s plenty that developers and designers can do to improve access to their websites. Foreman noted that many have already started embracing accessibility tech practices like alternative text. Still, he said it’s important to recognize that true accessibility is about much more than that — and that it looks different for everyone.