Hundreds nationwide to participate in month-long celebration of fun activities geared towards support of law enforcement
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF), will host its Nationwide Move for the Badge event in September with a month-long celebration of activity for participants to get active, have fun and support the men and women in blue. All proceeds from this signature fundraising event support the mission and programs of the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum.
The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund’s Move for the Badge event is designed to get participants “moving” any day from September 1 through September 30, officially culminating on the final day of the month. The annual flagship event serves communities across the United States, raising critical funds needed to support NLEOMF’s mission to honor the fallen, tell the story of American law enforcement, and make it safer for those who serve.
“We are honored to again host this event as a way to support our law enforcement officers and agencies in every community, across the United States,” said National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund Interim CEO Bill Alexander. “Our goal for this event is for everyone to incorporate more activities, outside of just running, into their routine so they can contribute in a way that they are most comfortable with. Set your own goals or join a team for the cause – whatever you do, having fun is the name of the game.”
Registration for the National Move for the Badge is now open. Participants are encouraged to register for the fun as individuals or by creating a team as a captain or joining a team of family members, friends, colleagues or fellow runners across the country. If an individual chooses to join a team that has already formed, they can search the team’s name, contact the team captain or simply register as an individual first to join or start a team at a later date.
NLEOMF has teamed up with the Good Move™ mobile companion app where participants can set personal goals, track their progress, compete for prizes, and fundraise for NLEOMF. Participants can download the appand track activities that best suit their fitness or lifestyle, whether walking, running, biking, swimming, dancing or anything else that gets them moving.
Participants who register receive an event t-shirt, medallion, and bib to commemorate their participation. Depending on their goal, participants, whether individually or on teams, can earn valuable fundraising incentive prizes as they reach fundraising milestones, ranging from special edition Thin Blue Line socks, backpack, t-shirt, NLEOMF-branded pin, to a Smith & Wesson watch.
The entire list of fundraising goal levels and prizes to win can be found on the Move for the Badge website. In addition to these items, participants receive training resources to ensure safe training and a checklist to stay on track in successfully reaching their goals, including a training guide and special NLEOMF playlist to stay motivated. More information on training and tips can be found by subscribing to NLEOMF’s emails to stay up to date on Move for the Badge news, training videos, and more.
Participants who take part in this year’s event are asked to post via social media, using the hashtag #MoveForTheBadge. In the lead-up to Move for the Badge, individuals who post photos and messages about their participation and their fundraising link on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter will have a chance to win exciting prizes. There will be a special prize for the team that raises the most money as well.
About the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
Established in 1984, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring the fallen, telling the story of American law enforcement, and making it safer for those who serve. The first pillar of this mission, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C., honors the names of all of the 23,785 officers who have died in the line of duty to date throughout U.S. history. Additionally, NLEOMF maintains and publishes comprehensive details on the circumstances surrounding official line-of-duty deaths. The Officer Safety and Wellness pillar uses that data, coupled with best-practice program models, to produce programming directed at solutions to improve survivability and enhance wellness. NLEOMF’s third pillar, the National Law Enforcement Museum (LawEnforcementMuseum.org) is committed to preserving the history of American law enforcement and sharing the experiences of service and sacrifice for generations to come.