You Might Recognize these Names on Cherelle Parker’s Transition Team

With just a few weeks to go before her tenure begins, Mayor-Elect Cherelle Parker announced the members of her transition team last week. This includes a leadership team, senior advisors, a steering committee, 13 sub-committees and a transition staff.

“I have said that I will bring together the best and brightest from within City government, across Philadelphia and the region, and across the country; and crafting the policies that will create tangible results out of our promises on the campaign trail: to make Philadelphia the safest, cleanest and greenest city in America with economic opportunity for all,” Parker said in a written statement about the news. “The lift of the transition will be heavy, but this will be the team to do it.”

Parker’s transition leadership team will be led by Ryan Boyer, business manager for the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council, as the chair. Della Clark, president of the Enterprise Center, and Gregory Segall, founder and chairman of Versa Capital and Mantis Group, are the vice chairs.