The Maryland Clean Energy Center engages MD Energy Advisors to provide neutral opinion and technical analysis of scope of work presented by AMERESCO
MD Energy Advisors has delivered a comprehensive third-party review and technical analysis of an Investment Grade Audit presented by AMERESCO that has proposed facility upgrades and enhancements designed to improve the energy efficiency of 15 buildings contained within the Baltimore City Public School System. MD Energy Advisors was engaged by The Maryland Clean Energy Center, an entity created by the Maryland General Assembly with a mission to assist other state agencies with implementing energy efficiency projects.
The proposal generated by AMERESCO, a Massachusetts-based company specializing in providing solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy, encompasses system-wide improvements that would be implemented within nearly two million square feet of space at a cost of nearly $3.5 million. The enhancements would impact lighting, control and HVAC systems, with a second phase of the contract involving work at approximately 80 additional schools.
“We recruited MD Energy Advisors to receive a neutral opinion and help assure the integrity and transparency of the Energy Performance Contract benefitting the Baltimore County Public School System,” explained Katherine Magruder, Executive Director of The Maryland Clean Energy Center. “MD Energy Advisors presented an objective set of eyes on the proposal and offered a critical assessment and technical review of the investment grade audit that provided a high level of comfort to the school system. The overall objective was to provide value and the best possible outcome for this energy savings initiative and, based on the MD Energy Advisors report, we have achieved this.”
The MD Energy Advisors team reviewed the AMERESCO investment grade audit to determine the economic feasibility of each deliverable with a focus on expected return on investment and a review of all costs and expected payback timeframe.
“Soliciting a third-party view of large publicly-funded projects such as these is often a step that is missed, especially when entities do not have the technical expertise in-house to properly evaluate its feasibility,” stated Paul Clary, Co-Founder of MD Energy Advisors. “Our objective was to challenge some of the assumptions, determine if the suggested energy savings were in line with reasonable expectations and provide an overall assessment of the proposed project.”
“With a renewed emphasis on addressing climate change and advancing clean energy projects as funded on the federal level, we expect additional contracts of this scope to emerge in the future,” Magruder added. “This paradigm shift represents tremendous news for the economic development climate of the State, corporations and institutions, job seekers and the general public at large.”
Headquartered in Baltimore, MD Energy Advisors is a customer-centric energy management, marketing, and efficiency firm providing energy solutions to utilities, private companies and residential clients. The company identifies opportunities to reduce energy-related operating expenses, offers strategies that improve environmental impact and provides financial vehicles to help implement these strategies.
For additional information about MD Energy Advisors, visit www.MDEnergyAdvisors.com