For this Virgina Plant App Entrepreneur, Standing Out in the Industry is All About Human Nature

For Virginia entrepreneur Raymond Magee, the idea for his startup came on a 2016 hike with his kids in Fairfax County’s Huntley Meadows Park.

“My kids were asking me a ton of questions about everything — the plants, the bugs, leaves, everything,” Magee told “And I thought, I am running out of innate knowledge to answer their questions, but it would be cool if I had something that could help them.”

Magee, who was working on an MBA at the time, set his mind towards creating an app to identify plants in the region. It led him to sprout  BloomCatch, an AI-powered app for plant identification. Users can snap a picture while on a hike, at the garden store or just out and about. The app, accessing data on 600-700 plants in its system, will then display what kind of plant they’re looking at.