East West Mortgage Sponsors NeighborWorks Housing Solutions’ Upcoming Gala with $1,000 Contribution

NeighborWorks Housing Solutions (NHS), the leading housing service provider in southern Massachusetts, today announced East West Mortgage as a sponsor of its upcoming “Opening Doors, Changing Lives” Gala, slated for November 10th.

The $1,000 sponsorship was presented by Steven Borgerson of Quincy, president of East West Mortgage and a member of the board of directors of NeighborWorks Housing Solutions since 2006.

“The need for affordable housing in the region is evident,” said Borgerson.  “We are happy to be able to support NeighborWorks Housing Solutions and the work they do for so many households locally.  It is an honor to be a part of this great organization.”

East West Mortgage, based in Dorchester, was founded to help individuals and their families manage their home finances and lives in an efficient, and informed manner.

“We’re grateful to Steve and East West Mortgage for this generous sponsorship of our highly anticipated gala,” said Robert Corley, CEO of NeighborWorks Housing Solutions. “Steve has been a valued member of our board of directors for 15 years and has a thorough understanding of the work we do and the lives we touch.”

About NeighborWorks® Housing Solutions

NeighborWorks® Housing Solutions is the leading housing service provider in southern Massachusetts.  NHS has more than 70 years of combined experience in the community development field and provides services to more than 11,000 households in more than 75 cities and towns across the region. In addition to building and managing 786 units of housing for veterans, homeless families and others in need, the agency offers a wide range of housing services, including foreclosure prevention counseling, home rehabilitation loans and grants, financial coaching, and first-time homebuyer workshops. For more information, contact Serenity Belo, Resource Development Director, at 617-801-5217 or sbelo@nhsmass.org, or visit: www.nhsmass.org.