Johns Hopkins-born Relavo Graduates to Baltimore’s Startup Community

The pandemic has been a time of change, struggle and uncertainty. It forced a lot of people to bet on themselves. For CEO Sarah Lee and the cofounders of medical device company Relavo, it forced the team out of the Johns Hopkins bubble and into making their own way in the Baltimore medtech space.

Lee and her two fellow biomedical engineers and cofounders, CTO Tejasvi Desai and Chief Innovation Officer Anna Bailey, set out to minimize the risk of infection in home dialysis with their invention, the PeritoneX. It’s an in-line connection device that aims to internally disinfect dialysis tubes.

Back in March of 2020 when quarantine started, Relavo, like many other businesses, had to leave their space — in this case, it was the makerspace at Johns Hopkins FastForward U — and adjust. Following the shift to remote work, the three founders and a team of interns had to ship materials to people’s homes and work out of their apartments.