SEEQC Appoints Shu-Jen Han VP of Engineering

ELMSFORD, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–SEEQC, the Digital Quantum Computing company, today announced the addition of a scientific advisory board to its leadership. This addition comes at a time when the company is unveiling a new brand identity and expanding its team internationally, including the appointment of Shu-Jen Han as its vice president of engineering.

Scientific Advisory Board

SEEQC’s new scientific advisory board consists of leading academics from across the world, including Javad Shabani, assistant professor of physics at NYU, professors from the University of Napoli Federico II, Francesco Tafuri and Giovanni Piero Pepe, and Maxim Vavilov, professor at the University of Wisconsin.

The company instituted this board of quantum scientists to guide SEEQC’s team as they continue their mission to solve quantum computings’ most challenging problems. The board will help ensure that SEEQC bases its products, research and development on sound scientific data.

By integrating this team of scientists into SEEQC’s product roadmap, the company can internally peer-review its research and development and receive feedback and scientific advice more quickly than other commercial entities. This ensures that the company is receiving proper oversight and quality consultation as it advances its technological discoveries — expanding quantum’s reach from academia to real-world application.

“The fact that half of my fellow board members work in foreign universities, and many of us have international backgrounds, should not be overlooked. SEEQC is an international company, and it is incorporating that element of itself at every level,” said advisory board member, Francesco Tafuri. “By bringing together this group of international scientists, SEEQC is getting access to even more experience than by engaging exclusively with American universities. These individuals bring a rich and diverse history of scientific research and experience to the company with them.”

Appointing New Vice President of Engineering

In addition to expanding its leadership with the advisory board, SEEQC has also appointed industry veteran Dr. Shu-Jen Han as its vice president of engineering. Han brings more than a decade of experience in the nanotechnology and semiconductor industry to SEEQC, as well as world-class expertise in logic and memory chip-making — a critical component of scaling the company’s system-on-a-chip quantum design.

Han started his career at IBM working in the semiconductor sector after receiving his Ph.D. from Stanford University, later he managed the nanoscale device and technology group at IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center working on world-leading post-silicon transistor research. Han has valuable experience in advancing complex semiconductor chip technology from basic research to product qualification both as a director and later as senior director at HFC Semiconductor’s Advanced Memory Technology Division. He has authored over 90 technical publications, two book chapters and over 150 issued US patents.

“We’re thrilled to formally welcome Shu-Jen to SEEQC, and I am excited by the leadership and expertise he’ll bring to our global team of quantum engineers and researchers,” said John Levy, CEO of SEEQC. “Shu-Jen is one of the foremost minds in the semiconductor research and development world — we’re grateful he chose to join SEEQC and our mission to bring scalable quantum computing to the enterprise world.”

In his new role, Han will help build a scalable research and development organization, lead SEEQC’s multi-disciplinary engineering groups and establish a clear roadmap for its commercialization. He also oversees the day-to-day operations of the company’s newly renovated chip foundry, a fully operational chip manufacturing facility focusing on superconducting quantum and classic electronics.

Renewed Brand Commitment

As the company continues to evolve its technology and business model, it is also evolving its unique brand. Under the guidance of its creative director, Fredrik Carlström, SEEQC is rededicating itself to its original goal and mission statement under renewed branding and communication initiatives.

SEEQC was built upon the premise of approaching quantum differently than its predecessors and counterparts, and its new brand reflects that. The brand takes into account SEEQC’s unique team, the integrated process in which design, manufacturing and testing are all done in-house, resulting in a unique approach to building a scalable quantum computer.

The new brand reflects SEEQC at its core –– not only as a company name but as an acronym: Scalable, Energy-Efficient Quantum Computing. Other aspects of the company’s brand portfolio have been updated to evince different aspects of the company’s technology. SEEQC’s visuals evoke a feeling of efficiency, purpose and a close relationship with nature, just as its end-product uses elements of nature to solve classically intractable problems and address the world’s greatest challenges.

“The new design and communication are a mirror image of SEEQC’s approach to building scalable, re-configurable quantum computers around a family of chips designed to support a host of high-value problems for clients today,” said Carlström. “We want the brand we put forward to show what we’re really about and to show our ethos in everything we do from the design of our hardware and software to our offices, facilities, website and brand identity.”

Partnership with QuantWare

To further advance its technology, SEEQC has partnered with Dutch quantum startup QuantWare. With additional support from the University of Napoli Federico II, the companies will co-develop an advanced Quantum Processor Unit (QPU) with integrated cryogenic digital control logic. This partnership combines SEEQC’s proprietary platform with QuantWare’s scalable QPU design, resulting in the world’s first commercially available platform, capable of overcoming key scalability engineering challenges.

About SEEQC:

SEEQC is developing the first fully digital quantum computing platform for global businesses. SEEQC combines classical and quantum technologies to address the efficiency, stability and cost issues endemic to quantum computing systems. The company applies classical and quantum technology through digital readout and control technology and a unique chip-scale architecture. SEEQC’s quantum system provides the energy- and cost-efficiency, speed and digital control required to make quantum computing useful and bring the first commercially-scalable, problem-specific quantum computing applications to market.