18 Signed ORIGINAL A. Aubrey Bodine photographs will be auctioned at Alex Cooper Saturday, April 9, 2022 @ 10:00 AM.
This auction is In-Person and On-Line. Images include Mount Vernon, heavy industry, crab feast, log canoe race, maritime scenes, Baltimore Harbor and other Bodine subject matter.
Lots # 1278 thru # 1295
On-line bidding is currently available @ www.alexcooper.com.
John Locke, Alex Cooper 443-470-1417
Jennifer B. Bodine, Estate of A. Aubrey Bodine, 410-479-1312
Born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1906, A. Aubrey Bodine began photographing in the early 1920s and continued a long and prolific career until his death in 1970. In 1927, at the early age of 21, Bodine became the feature photographer for the Baltimore Sunday Sun. For over forty years, Bodine’s photographs were published every week in the Sunday magazine. His popularity in the Mid-Atlantic States was unprecedented. Bodine was devoted to a style of photography often referred to as “pictorialism,” which had its roots in the late 19th and early 20th century. Pictorial photographers sought to separate themselves from the scientific applications of photography and wanted to be considered “artists.” To that end, Bodine’s approach to photography was a painterly style, which often stressed soft-focus imagery as well as expressive printing. Bodine was awarded Honorary Fellowships in the Photographic Society of America and the National Press Photographers Association, the first photographer to be acclaimed so acclaimed by both associations. Please see www.aaubreybodine.com for more images and entertainment.
Lot #1288 – Wye Oak in Bloom (1955) From A Tiny Acorn … The Wye Oak in Talbot County is the official tree of Maryland and the State’s most magnificent tree. It is 95 feet tall, has a spread of over 165 feet and measures 57 feet and seven inches around its trunk one foot from the ground. The State bought the tree and a small plot of ground around it in 1939 for $6,150 and constituted it a one-tree state forest, the only one in the nation.
Lot #1292 – Chesapeake Bay Log Canoe (1946) Valliant Lady, Log Canoe. Joshua Thomas was a dynamic young waterman who became a leader in Methodist revivals and camp meetings on the islands of Tangier Sound. Journeying from meeting to meeting in a log canoe named The Methodist he soon became famous as the “Parson of the Islands.” Historians credit him with establishing Methodism as the deep-rooted faith of the island people. The most spectacular event of his career was preaching to the British expeditionary forces encamped on Tangier Island during the War of 1812 – and predicting that they would not succeed in taking Baltimore. The log canoe he used was a prototype of the Island Blossom, built in 1892, a famous racing log canoe, shown with seven of the crew riding springboards to balance it.
Lot #1296 – Tangiers Sound, Crisfield, MD (1950) Crisfield in Somerset County, looking towards Tangier Sound. Seafood Capital of the World. This image appears in A. Aubrey Bodine, Baltimore Pictorialist, by Kathleen Ewing, published by Johns Hopkins Press.
Lot #1287 – Big Wheels (1945)
Lot #1284 – Memorial Stadium (1954) Erected By The City Of Baltimore, 1954
Dedicated By The Mayor And The City Council And The People Of Baltimore City In The State Of Maryland
As A Memorial To All Who So Valiantly Fought And Served In The World Wars With Eternal Gratitude To Those Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice To Preserve Equality And Freedom Throughout The World
Time Will Not Dim The Glory Of Their Deeds
Lot #1286 – Crab Feast (1954) A crab feast at the Eichenkranz Restaurant in Highlandtown. National Bohemian is a local brew and a fine Maryland tradition. Eichenkranz is German for “Oak Wreath” as seen on the plaque on the wall behind the diners.