Sal Grausso Joins Goodroot as President of Pharmacy Cost Solutions

It was announced today that Sal Grausso has joined Goodroot as president of pharmacy cost solutions. Goodroot is a community of companies dedicated to reinventing healthcare one system at a time. Grausso has spent over two decades in the pharmaceutical industry, primarily in executive roles at drug manufacturers.

“The pharmaceutical industry in the US has and will continue to accomplish incredible things for patients and society, but the business side of getting patients access to medication has become incredibly complex,” Grausso says. “It’s a problem that all stakeholders in healthcare must collectively address. The model is not sustainable. Goodroot provides a platform and a community of innovators and problem solvers, and we have the opportunity to be a catalyst for impactful and lasting change.”

“The pharmaceutical industry brings drugs to market that prolong and improve the quality of life. We bring innovative solutions that ensure the health systems we serve are able to provide access to these medications at costs that ensure value for the dollars spent.”

As Goodroot continues to grow and add more companies that reinvent aspects of the US healthcare system, Grausso will provide support and serve as a liaison for affiliate companies such as RemedyOneFamulus and CoeoRx that help enhance affordable access to medications.

“There are talented people at every level of every company that makes up the Goodroot community. Their capabilities are as limitless as Goodroot’s potential,” says Goodroot CEO Michael Waterbury. “Sal brings with him an expertise that you can’t get without spending many years at the highest levels of pharmaceutical companies. Healthcare outsiders can’t fix what they don’t understand. That’s our greatest attribute. We have brilliant people who possess both the expertise and the desire to make healthcare affordable and accessible for everyone.”

Grausso will be tasked with mapping out a long-term, go-to-market strategy for Goodroot’s pharmacy-affiliated companies. A major part of that, and an area in which Grausso has a great deal of experience, is in biopharma and specialty drug costs.

“I worked for manufacturers; Mike worked for health plans when we first met,” Grausso says. “Usually, these two groups are negotiating across the table, not sharing thoughts and ideas. The opportunity to have real, in-depth conversations about all that is broken in healthcare just doesn’t happen in that environment. But despite our different backgrounds, the common theme of those conversations with Mike was the passion for the shared mission to do our part to fix it. I see now that he has truly embraced this mission to reinvent healthcare and brought so many talented people on board to make it a reality. I’m honored and excited to join the cause.”