Sheri Fiske Schultz Honored with SFBW 2022 Prestigious Women Award
Fiske & Company, a full-service accounting, financial forensics, and litigation consulting firm, announced its Managing Partner, Sheri Fiske Schultz, CPA/ABV/CFF, was recognized as an honoree in South Florida Business & Wealth’s 2022 Prestigious Women Awards. This year’s in-person awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday, April 20, 2022.
SFBW’s Prestigious Women Awards recognizes top South Florida business leaders who have created impressive business success stories and provided leadership to other women in the community.
“There is great satisfaction being recognized for doing what you love to do,” said Fiske Schultz, a native Floridian who began her career with a Big-6 international accounting firm before joining her father at Fiske. “We also love to spend time with other woman professionals mentoring our next generation of future business leaders.”
She earned the designation of Accredited in Business Valuation and is Certified in Financial Forensics and brings more than three decades of forensic accounting and litigation support expertise to the firm. She is also a frequent speaker at conventions, legal association events and frequently delivers continuing legal education (CLE) seminars at litigation law firms.
SFBW’s Prestigious Women Awards honorees are owners and partners, C-suite executives, entrepreneurs, innovators, mentors, professional association, and non-profit leaders, rising stars (under 40) and lifetime achievers. “People often ask ‘What makes up a Prestigious Woman?’” said Kimberly Sarni, managing director of SFBW. “Not just anyone can be put into that category. We get hundreds of nominations.”
Fiske & Company has offices in Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach counties.
About Fiske & Company
Established in 1972, Fiske & Company is one of South Florida’s leading CPA firms, offering accounting and consulting services to individuals and businesses, as well as to legal and financial professionals seeking expert advice and support on behalf of their respective clients. In addition to tax and accounting, the firm focuses its practice on business valuation, litigation support, and forensic accounting. Fiske & Company is WBENC Certified. Visit www.fiskeco.com or call 954-236-8600.