Thomas J. Flaherty Joins EY-Parthenon as Senior Advisor

Ernst & Young LLP announced today that Thomas J. Flaherty III, a highly experienced consultant to the Power & Utilities sector, has joined EY-Parthenon as a senior advisor. Flaherty brings more than four decades of experience advising utility and midstream C-suite executives on growth strategy and M&A, business transformation, innovation, market analysis and go-to-market strategy.

Throughout his career, he has advised power and utility companies on critical decisions related to establishing their future market position, strategies and priorities. Flaherty has been a frequent speaker at industry conferences on topics such as corporate strategy, M&A and industry evolution and is a widely published writer who recently released the book Roll-Up: The Past, Present, and Future of Utilities Consolidation.

Flaherty has been involved in the vast majority of US power and gas mergers and a number of cross-border transactions involving companies in the United KingdomItalySpainCanadaArgentinaAustralia and New Zealand. He has similarly worked with private equity firms and infrastructure funds on the assessment, modeling and operations transfer of assets related to generation, transmission and distribution businesses or segments.

“Tom’s vast experience and knowledge adds to our practice’s strong ability to help clients transform their operations and respond to changing customer and regulatory demands in a time of unparalleled industry disruption,” says EY Americas Power & Utilities Strategy Lead Jeffrey W. Miller. “He also brings a unique perspective and ability to look ahead with a vision on how future sector transactions and trends might evolve.”

Adding Flaherty to the EY-Parthenon team further demonstrates the firm’s commitment to elevating the importance of energy and energy transition in the market, says Miller.

“As the energy transition accelerates and demands on energy providers change quickly, adding Tom’s experience and industry knowledge brings another dimension to what our firm can offer clients during this pivotal time of industry convergence,” says Karen Felton, EY Americas Energy & Resources Industry Leader.

“I am excited to join EY-Parthenon and become part of one of the world’s largest global strategy consulting organizations with an active presence in M&A,” says Flaherty. “Today, the power and utilities sector is staring at radical transformation and an energy transition that’s more complex, challenging and competitive than ever. I’m looking forward to working with companies in differentiating themselves in areas like growth and value, innovation and cleantech, business entry and go-to-market strategy, and the entire M&A value chain.”

Flaherty holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Oklahoma, where he currently serves on Board of Advisors for the Price College of Business Energy Institute.

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EY Strategy and Transactions teams work with clients to navigate complexity by helping them to reimagine their eco-systems, reshape their portfolios and reinvent themselves for a better future. With global connectivity and scale, EY Strategy and Transactions teams help clients drive corporate, capital, transaction and turnaround strategies through to execution, supporting fast-track value creation in all types of market environments. EY Strategy and Transactions teams help support the flow of capital across borders and help bring new products and innovation to market. In doing so, EY Strategy and Transactions teams help clients to build a better working world by fostering long-term value. For more information, please visit

About EY-Parthenon

EY-Parthenon teams work with clients to navigate complexity by helping them to reimagine their eco-systems, reshape their portfolios and reinvent themselves for a better future. With global connectivity and scale, EY-Parthenon teams focus on Strategy Realized — helping CEOs design and deliver strategies to better manage challenges while maximizing opportunities as they look to transform their businesses. From idea to implementation, EY-Parthenon teams help organizations to build a better working world by fostering long-term value. EY-Parthenon is a brand under which a number of EY member firms across the globe provide strategy consulting services. For more information, please visit