TriNetX, the global network of healthcare organizations driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies, today announced the acquisition of OncologyInformationService e.K. (OIS) and its subsidiary CancerDataNet GmbH (CDN), a German-based company and the subsidiary a Swiss-based company. Both companies provide real-world data (RWD) driven solutions across Europe.
Their capabilities include longitudinal collection of retrospective data obtained from medical charts, consultative and operational services in epidemiology, HTA, HEOR, such as definition of target population (treated prevalence and incidence), standard of care, and building synthetic arms for RCTs. The multi-level data management provides regulatory-grade quality of data sets. Prior to the acquisition, OIS was certified as an OMOP SME in the EHDEN framework. Its team of data analysts opens a new era in statistical analysis of RWD using machine learning models and predictive statistics.
“OIS/CDN is a strategic acquisition that adds deep, regulatory-grade transferable oncology data from Europe and greatly enhances our global footprint of the TriNetX network,” said Gadi Lachman, CEO of TriNetX. “It also expands TriNetX’s ability to deliver projects and data for use by the FDA and European Medicines Agency in order to support regulatory decision-making in the oncology space.”
OIS/CDN conducts each project based on a regionally representative sample in the respective target population and has gathered regulatory-grade longitudinal data for more than 15 cancer types for a multitude of use cases. Both companies currently collaborate with the largest manufacturers of anti-cancer therapeutics, emerging other innovative companies, and research networks.
“This is a huge step forward for both our companies,” said Lenka Kellerman, founder of OIS and CDN, who will assume the role of Senior Vice President of Oncology leading the intact company in the TriNetX organization. “As part of the TriNetX team, we will achieve globally harmonized collection of RWD and improve the accuracy, completeness, and security of the data collected by combining both technologies on a global basis.”
“I’m very excited to join the TriNetX family,” said Sébastien Wischlen, CEO of CDN who will become a Vice President at TriNetX. “This acquisition represents a unique chance to disrupt and ameliorate the status-quo of RWD and RWE in healthcare, taking advantage of our mutual motivations, capabilities, expertise, and leveraging our experiences towards a better future for cancer patients, and their loved ones.”
“TriNetX continues to execute on its strategy of acquiring high-quality assets,” said Maulik Mehta, Chief Business Officer of TriNetX. “OIS/CDN is another great example of this as it complements our current capabilities by enabling a broader and deeper access to global healthcare data, while further aiding our customers in developing keen scientific insights.”
OIS/CDN will integrate into the TriNetX organization as part of the group led by Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Jeffrey Brown, who was an Associate Professor in the Department of Population Medicine (DPM) at Harvard Medical School and was the Lead Data Scientist for the FDA Sentinel System.
About TriNetX, LLC
TriNetX is a global network of healthcare organizations and life sciences companies driving real-world research to accelerate the development of new therapies. Through its self-service, HIPAA, GDPR, and LGPD-compliant platform of federated EHR, datasets, and consulting partnerships, TriNetX puts the power of real-world data into the hands of its worldwide community to improve protocol design, streamline trial operations, refine safety signals, and enrich real-world evidence generation. For more information, visit TriNetX at www.trinetx.com or follow @TriNetX on Twitter.