A Former Collegiate Athlete Created Zama Health, a Mental Health Platform for Gym-goers

When DC entrepreneur Brendan Sullivan was a senior at Yale University, he scored the impressive role of captain for the school’s varsity track team. But at the height of his athletic career, he noticed something about his teammates and other athletes: While a number were suffering from mental health issues, including eating disorders, many lacked access to necessary treatment resources.

“It was really hard to access any type of care,” Sullivan told Technical.ly. “Unless you basically were going to the counseling office and saying, ‘I’ve had suicidal tendencies,’ you were turned away.”

A few years later, he’s trying to do something about it for both student-athletes and athletic adults. He’s the founder of Zama Health, a behavioral and mental health platform for the athletic community. In partnership with gyms and college athletics departments, the platform offers clinical health services, workshops for coaches and trainers, peer-to-peer instruction and more to make mental health part of the overall wellness routine.