Cape Fear CREW Names 2023 Board of Directors

(L-R): Leslie Adams, Segra; Heather Evans, Segra; Sue Meier, Copycat Print Shop; Julie Dixon, Live Oak Bank; Kelly Hegadore, Baker Roofing Company; Cheryl Moody, Atlantic Shores Environmental, Ltd., Karen Widmayer, KW Communications

Cape Fear CREW, the leading organization for women in commercial real estate in the Cape Fear region, has named its 2023 Board of Directors:

Julie Dixon of Live Oak Bank will succeed Karen Widmayer of KW Communications as President of the chapter. Ms. Dixon said, “Cape Fear CREW experienced tremendous growth through 2022, a reflection of our region’s growth, recognition of our mission and programming and through the hard work of our members and partners. Our membership and Board thank Karen for her time and leadership and I look forward to continuing to work with her on our Board in 2023.”

The 2023 Cape Fear CREW Board of Directors: 

  • President: Julie Dixon, Live Oak Bank*
  • President-Elect: Sue Meier, Copycat Print Shop
  • Immediate Past President: Karen Widmayer, KW Communications*
  • Secretary: Kelly Hegadore, Baker Roofing Company
  • Treasurer: Heather Evans, Segra*      
  • At Large/CREW Network Delegate: Cheryl Moody, Atlantic Shores Environmental, Ltd.
  • At Large/DEI Champion: Leslie Adams, Segra*

*Returning Director

About Cape Fear CREW and CREW Network

The Cape Fear chapter of Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW), with more than 90 members from a wide array of commercial real estate interests, has as its mission to advance the success of women in commercial real estate. CREW Network is the affiliated national association which represents over 12,000 women in commercial real estate in chapters across more than 75 major markets globally. For more information on the Cape Fear chapter, including membership and partnership information, visit the Cape Fear CREW website at and follow us on Facebook @CapeFearCrew, Instagram @cape_fear_crew and LinkedIn.