NFTE CEO J.D. LaRock Appointed to Education Commission of the States

Dr. J.D. LaRock, President and CEO of global nonprofit Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), was appointed this month to the Education Commission of the States (ECS).

“I am grateful and excited to join this esteemed and impactful nonpartisan group working to maximize educational quality and opportunity for our nation’s youth,” LaRock said. “This role aligns with NFTE’s support of effective education policy that drives progress, innovation, and substantive change, so young people—regardless of socioeconomic factors—can own their futures.”

ECS is a states-focused organization that creates opportunities for education leaders across political parties and role groups to collaborate and learn from one another. ECS convenes legislators, governors and governors’ education policy advisors, state education chiefs and board members, district-level education leaders, as well as representatives of higher education, business, and nonprofits.

Massachusetts Gov. Charles D. Baker, before the close of his administration, appointed LaRock to the Commonwealth’s ECS delegation on Jan. 4. Each state and territory appoints seven commissioners in accordance with state statute.

In his letter to LaRock, Baker wrote: “Lt. Governor (Karyn) Polito and I appreciate your willingness to serve the Commonwealth in this capacity. Congratulations on your appointment and best wishes for success.”

To help state policymakers make informed decisions, ECS compiles comprehensive knowledge and resources on education policy issues ranging from early learning to postsecondary and the workforce. In addition to advice on policy plans, ECS consults on proposed legislation and testifies at legislative hearings and interim committees as third-party experts.

ECS closely monitors policy actions on several education issues, including curriculum, teacher recruitment and retention; civic education; college credit and credentials; college and career readiness; community college supports; school improvement policies; STEM/STEAM; student learning; and virtual learning.

About NFTE’s CEO

Dr. J.D. LaRock is the President & CEO of the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), a global nonprofit organization founded in 1987 that provides high-quality entrepreneurship education to middle school, high school, and young adult students from under-resourced communities.

Previously, LaRock served in the administration of Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, as President of the Commonwealth Corporation, the state’s workforce development authority. He was also education policy director for Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick and senior education advisor to Sen. Ted Kennedy.