Helen Casale Appointed as American Bar Association Delegate to the Philadelphia Bar Association

Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller is proud to announce that Family Law Shareholder Helen Casale has been appointed as an American Bar Association (ABA) Delegate to the Philadelphia Bar Association. Selected by the new Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor, Marc Zucker, Helen will serve a two-year term in the ABA’s House of Delegates, the policy-making body of the association.

As a delegate, Helen will represent the Philadelphia Bar Association by participating in the ABA’s Annual and Midyear Meetings. On February 6, Helen will attend the ABA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana to gather with delegates from all 50 states and numerous city bar associations to discuss, propose and vote on resolutions on hot topics and developments in the legal arena. Helen will vote on behalf of the Philadelphia Bar Association and report back about what is happening on the national level.

The ABA House of Delegates is the association’s legislative body. Delegates formulate policy, govern the association, elect officers and the members of their Board of Governors, and judge the election and qualification of their members to public offices.