AGL Mourns the Loss of Thomas H. Lee

The entire AGL Credit Management team is deeply saddened by the recent death of its Chairman Thomas H. Lee.

Peter Gleysteen, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of AGL, said:

“Tom was our friend and mentor and was directly involved in AGL’s formation. Tom offered guidance and assistance to us in every dimension as AGL developed and grew. He was very close to many members of our team and was a generous and gracious man of the highest integrity. He was AGL’s shepherd and biggest champion, and we will honor him by continuing to expand and improve our firm, as he would have wanted. We march forward with his legacy as our foundation. Our thoughts are with his family during this very difficult time.”

About AGL Credit Management LP
AGL Credit Management LP (“AGL”) is a private credit investment firm and registered investment adviser specializing in innovative product solutions designed to deliver secure, stable and scalable returns based on bank loans. AGL was founded by Peter Gleysteen, a widely known innovator in the bank loan market, Thomas. H. Lee, one of the early pioneers in private equity investing and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. For more information, visit