Construction Partners, Inc., a vertically integrated civil infrastructure company specializing in the construction and maintenance of roadways across six southeastern states, today announced that it has acquired Pickens Construction, Inc., headquartered in Anderson, South Carolina. The acquisition includes one hot-mix asphalt plant, related construction operations and approximately 20 employees that will be integrated as a bolt-on to CPI’s South Carolina platform company, King Asphalt, Inc., and will expand its service market in the greater Greenville, South Carolina metro area.
Fred J. (Jule) Smith, III, the Company’s President and Chief Executive Officer, said, “Today’s acquisition expands our reach in the dynamic Upstate region of South Carolina, along the I-85 growth corridor between Greenville and Atlanta. We are now better positioned to serve both public and private market clients in the area, and to pursue future organic growth opportunities.”
About Construction Partners, Inc.
Construction Partners, Inc. is a vertically integrated civil infrastructure company operating across six southeastern states. Supported by its hot-mix asphalt plants, aggregate facilities and liquid asphalt terminal, the company focuses on the construction, repair and maintenance of surface infrastructure. Publicly funded projects make up the majority of its business and include local and state roadways, interstate highways, airport runways and bridges. The company also performs private sector projects that include paving and sitework for office and industrial parks, shopping centers, local businesses and residential developments. To learn more, visit www.constructionpartners.net.