U.S. Bancorp: A 5.5% Yielding Buffett Style Table-Pounding Buy


  • The regional banking crisis has caused even the highest quality financials to crash.
  • USB is down 21% in the last three weeks, despite being the largest and considered by some the strongest regional bank in America.
  • USB’s business is nothing like high risk regional banks. It’s an A-rated bank with AA-deposit safety.
  • USB’s excellent management team is as battle tested as they come, including a CEO that’s been with the bank for 37 years and was CFO during the Great Financial Crisis.
  • USB is trading at 7X earnings, a 45% historical discount, and offers a 5.5% very safe yield and nearly 100% upside to fair value. It could deliver 135% returns within three years, and 317% within six years. Long-term 13% risk-adjusted returns make this Buffett bank a table-pounding buy.
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This article was coproduced with Dividend Sensei.

Warren Buffett famously said to be “greedy when others are fearful.” In the last few weeks, we’ve seen the second biggest two-week crash in regional banking history.

A 28% plunge that was