Hour Children’s Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon And Virtual Auction

Hour Children, a leading provider of services for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children in New York State, recently hosted its annual Mother’s Day Luncheon and Virtual Auction in support of its summer programs in Westchester County and Long Island City. 

Dr. Alethea Taylor, Executive Director, Amanda Ziegler, Board President and Lynn Pfohl Quigley, this year’s Honoree; Hour Children Alumnae Ethel, Ingrid, Sanika and Jonitha; and Dr. Alethea Taylor, Executive Director and Kirsten Cole, Pix 11 Weekend Anchor.

Hour Children, a leading provider of services for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and their children in New York State, celebrates its Mother’s Day Luncheon and Virtual Auction at X20 – Xavier’s on the Hudson, May 17, 2023. The event honored Lynn Pfohl Quigley, a longtime Hour Children supporter, and raised over $145,000 to support Hour Children’s summer programs.

For more information on Hour Children and its services, visit HourChildren.org