The City of Decatur and the Decatur Downtown Development Authority (DDA) announced the creation of a new vendor program that will allow up to eight food carts to operate in the city. The plan designates four locations in Decatur Square, two in Harmony Park, one on E Ponce de Leon Avenue and one on W Ponce de Leon Avenue.
Beginning June 1, the application window will be open for 20 days, closing on June 20. Any food cart vendor is eligible to apply, so long as they are current on their licenses and their carts meet the proper dimensions.
“This initiative was initially detailed in the City’s 2010 strategic plan and approved through an ordinance in 2017,” said Conor McNally, DDA chair. “COVID caused the food cart program to be postponed, so finally bringing it to fruition is another sign our vibrant downtown has returned.”
A committee will review all applications and select the eight approved vendors who will be permitted to operate their carts for one year during the following times: Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Among the criteria considered by the committee will be highlighting cuisine that isn’t currently offered in Decatur, creating more grab-and-go food and beverage options that appeal to those working in the business district, and amplifying small businesses challenged with affording – or not desiring – a full brick-and-mortar location.
“Decatur is synonymous with eclectic food and beverage, so this program will allow for even more variety and choice for residents and visitors,” said Shirley Baylis, business development manager for the City of Decatur. “Additionally, when you consider how many food cart operators are recent immigrants and/or people of color, giving them this opportunity to grow their business aligns with Decatur’s core values of promoting and celebrating diversity.”
After 10 months, each operator will get a notice that it is time to reapply for the program, as renewals are not automatic and will go through the same process each year for approval. This gives the committee the ability to ensure the broader needs of the community are being met by the vendors and creates an additional layer of accountability.
For more information on the vendor cart program and information on how to apply, please visit or contact Shirley Baylis at
About the City of Decatur
The City of Decatur, located just east of Atlanta and home to 25,000 people, is characterized by world class big-city business assets, progressive attitudes, highly educated residents, an accessible local government and superb quality of life for those who live and/or work here. The city was recently listed as the 2018 Best Neighborhood in Atlanta by Creative Loafing. Decatur already is home to Emory Health Care, Agnes Scott College, Columbia Seminary, the Task Force for Global Health and a vibrant mix of small, local professional firms.
About the Decatur Downtown Development Authority
The Decatur Downtown Development Authority (DDA) was founded in 1982 to implement the Decatur Town Center Plan and to provide day-to-day management of the downtown development program. Since that time, our role has expanded to include responsibility for all of Decatur’s commercial districts. The Downtown Development Authority works with the traditional, downtown business district and the Development Authority has jurisdiction over the neighborhood districts. Both Authorities share a board and staff and exist to aid prospective business owners and developers interested in investing in Decatur’s economic development plans. These programs are housed within the City’s Community & Economic Development Department.