rGen Announces Artificial Intelligence Services to Help Businesses Implement Custom AI Solutions and Transform Business

Artificial intelligence specialists and consultants help businesses understand, adapt and deploy artificial intelligence  

rGen Consulting, a leader in technology consulting, announced today the launch of its first service offerings in the artificial intelligence (AI) space. As a family-run business founded by a father-daughter duo in 2021, rGen has been helping businesses with strategy, operations and change management consulting services. It is now expanding its services to include AI solutions specifically designed for small- and medium-sized enterprises using its proprietary data and intellectual property to create custom AI systems while providing insights and guidance to make the necessary changes to its client’s operations. This new AI service combines rGen’s current expertise in management consulting with the addition of AI experts to help businesses build a solid foundation for their AI initiatives, enabling them to scale and adapt as needed to achieve their goals.

 “AI is fundamentally changing how businesses operate and upend industries,” said Ray Rasmussen, rGen co-founder and managing principal. “Businesses need to start thinking now about how AI can help their operations but need to do so responsibly that addresses the potential impacts it will have, especially on employees. Our new AI services allow businesses to leverage their proprietary data and intellectual property to create AI systems that make their operations more efficient and scalable. At the same time, we help businesses transform their internal operations, ensuring a seamless, positive transition to the new AI systems. Business leaders don’t know where to go or how to even begin thinking about AI. We’re ready to help.”

rGen is now offering three unique services focused on AI:

  • rGen AI Foundation Services: Positions teams for success by implementing an extensible AI infrastructure built on leading AI technologies.  
  • rGen AI Transformation Services: Empowers clients to achieve competitive advantage by reimagining customer solutions, dramatically reducing costs, and creating an organization that is increasingly ready to embrace new ideas.
  • rGen AI Evolution Services: Enables organizations to thrive in a world of continuous change by instrumenting business performance, adjusting and refining processes, and enhancing customer solutions.

rGen’s expert team of consultants works closely with businesses to establish custom AI solutions based on industry-leading AI technologies. This personalized approach gives businesses the confidence to reimagine customer solutions, improve decision-making, dramatically reduce costs and enhance the customer experience. In addition, rGen offers AI training to help companies to take full advantage of this transformative technology by demystifying the solution, fostering a culture that embraces changes, and improving internal operations. 

 By offering these services, rGen empowers businesses to thrive and scale for success by providing the tools and expertise necessary to adapt to emerging trends and opportunities. Ultimately, clients speed delivery and improvements by mindfully adopting AI as a catalyst to drive ongoing change and continuous results.

“We understand that embracing AI can be daunting, but the benefits are simply too significant to ignore,” said Margaret Snape, co-founder and management and operations practice lead. “In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies that are slow to adopt AI risk falling behind their competitors. By working with rGen, businesses can navigate the challenges of AI implementation and gain a competitive advantage by harnessing the power of this transformative technology.”

About rGen Consulting:

rGen Consulting is a management consulting firm with deep roots in AI, analytics, change management, communication and project management. Since 2021, rGen has used proven methodologies, business domain knowledge and technology expertise to deliver game-changing results to clients worldwide. Our diverse, collaborative team brings deep industry and functional knowledge that helps clients thrive in an ever-changing world and build a sustainable, forward-looking business. rGen’s new AI service offerings are available to businesses across industries. To learn more about the company’s AI solutions, please visit: https://www.rgenconsulting.com/.