District 6 Congressional Race is Developing Slowly

It has been more than two months since Maryland’s 6th congressional district seat — by far the most competitive in the state — came open.

But while half a dozen candidates have already come forward in the Democratic and Republican primaries, there’s a sense among political professionals that the field isn’t anywhere near complete — and that some of the biggest names have yet to step forward.

“If I was a betting man, I’d say you’d see 10 to 12 candidates, on both sides,” said Woodsboro Mayor Heath Barnes, who is joining the GOP race for Congress later this month.

It’s somewhat surprising that the election has developed so slowly. Congressional vacancies are rare in Maryland, and there’s no shortage of ambitious officeholders and political activists looking to move up. In a presidential election year, when state lawmakers and most local officials do not have to sacrifice their seats, running for Congress is essentially a free shot. And at this point, there are no obvious favorites in either primary.