Given how imperative the internet is to daily life, the lack of broadband access across Baltimore’s neighborhoods hinders the lives of many residents. To combat this, Mayor Brandon Scott formulated a plan to get the city’s less-connected residents improved access to the internet throughout the year.
In May 2023, Mayor Scott announced the launch of Bmore Connected, the city’s effort to inform city residents about the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). The ACP is a federal plan that pays $30 monthly to an internet service provider for a qualifying household, which includes those with residents eligible for SNAP, Medicaid, housing assistance and Federal Pell Grants.
The campaign aims to make qualifying recipients aware of the federal program, encouraging them to sign up and get access to much-needed internet connection. Bmore Connected also aims to inform residents about the Maryland Emergency Broadband Program, which awards an additional $15 subsidy to those already qualifying for the ACP. The campaign urges those who believe they are eligible to go to the city’s website, which includes a link to an online application and a number to call to request a paperback application.