Riddle & Brantley, a renowned law firm known for providing exceptional legal counsel, proudly welcomes Attorney Sierra La Gala, Esq. to the team. A fellow North Carolinian originally from Cornelius, Ms. La Gala brings a profound passion for helping others, giving back to the community, and pursuing justice for those injured as a result of someone else’s negligence.
Attorney Sierra La Gala graduated with distinction from East Carolina University earning a B.S. in family and community services. As an undergraduate, she was a certified crisis counselor for the National Suicide and National Veterans Crisis hotline and interned with the Pitt County Public Defender’s Office. Her law school career and professional endeavors are no less impressive.
La Gala earned a scholarship to attend North Carolina Central University School of Law, where she continued to distinguish herself as a leader among her peers serving as 3L class vice president, vice president of the bankruptcy council, and tutor for students enrolled in Business Associations and Descendants estates. In her third year, the Durham County Public Defender’s office honored her achievements with the prestigious Student of the Year award.
In October of 2021, Ms. La Gala received the Pro Bono Honor Award from the North Carolina State Bar in recognition of 600 hours of pro bono work she completed while still in law school. And she is just getting started.
As a first-generation student who persevered through the bar exam on her own, Sierra La Gala recognized the need to support aspiring lawyers on their path. Soon after passing her exam, she took on a pivotal role at BARBRI Global, the nation’s largest bar prep provider, serving two years as the Director of Legal Education for the state of North Carolina.
“Sierra is an inspiration to lawyers everywhere, “said founding partner Gene Riddle, adding: “Her dedication to service and passion for helping others is evident in every challenge she has ever undertaken, and we feel very lucky that she has chosen Riddle & Brantley to continue her long record of success.”
About Riddle & Brantley
Riddle & Brantley is a full-service personal injury law firm that provides legal counsel in all areas of personal injury including car accidents, trucking accidents, premises liability, worker’s compensation, and wrongful death, among others. Our attorneys are results-focused and prepared to go to trial. Please visit us in any of our offices located throughout North Carolina. For additional information, go to https://justicecounts.com/.