Karl Roessner Joins the Advisory Board of Wizest

MIAMI–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Karl Roessner has recently joined the advisory board of Wizest, a next-generation investing platform. Mr. Roessner is currently the CEO of Lefteris Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: LFTRU), a fintech-focused special purpose acquisition corporation. Prior to joining Lefteris, he served as the CEO of E*TRADE from 2016-2019 and as the General Counsel of E*TRADE from 2009 to 2016. Widely seen as an industry thought leader, Karl is particularly known for his deep expertise in electronic trading, investing, and financial services. 

Founded in 2019 by a team of bankers, MIT alumni, and fintech engineers, Wizest was recently profiled in Forbes as a promising solution for investors. Instead of navigating the markets alone, Wizest empowers users to build their investment portfolios by following one or more financial professionals. Wizest has removed the friction from the investing experience and greets its users with a simple, easy-to-use interface, rather than a complicated financial dashboard.

Before Wizest, financial experts and their investment strategies were limited to high net worth individuals. By providing users with access to these strategies, Wizest intends to make investing more accessible to those who are apprehensive about participating in the market. The solution is available as a flagship consumer product and can also be white-labeled for financial institutions which lack a digital wealth management offering.

“Karl recognizes the strategic, social, and regulatory strengths of our model. We are honored to have his vote of confidence and know that with his guidance we can fully realize the paradigm shift that we have imagined for the retail investor,” states William J. Littlefield II, President and CTO of Wizest.