Dr. Neal J. Naff Names As Baltimore City Medical Society President

Dr. Neal J. Naff recently assumed the presidency of Baltimore City Medical Society, the professional membership organization of physicians in Baltimore City.  Dr. Naff is Chief of Neurosurgery at Sinai Hospital and University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center.

Dr. Naff completed his undergraduate education at the Virginia Military Institute, where he was a distinguished military graduate, class president, and valedictorian.  He completed medical school and his neurosurgical residency at The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.  Following his residency, Dr. Naff was a neurosurgeon in the Army Medical Corps at Walter Reed Medical Center.

Prior to his election to lead the Baltimore City Medical Society, Dr. Naff was the President of the Maryland Neurosurgical Society and continues to serve on its executive committee.  Expressing his service as BCMS President an honor and privilege, in his first message to the BCMS membership Dr. Naff highlighted some of the challenges facing physicians and BCMS. He shared: “The enormity of the challenges we confront will require all of us to engage to help shape the future of caring for our patients and strengthening our medical society.”  In particular, Dr. Naff noted several important issues the Maryland General Assembly will consider during its 90-day Session: pre-authorization for medical procedures and prescriptions; reimbursements under Medicaid; COVID and related outbreaks; and medical malpractice. “Baltimore physicians are further challenged by our City’s specifically stark disparities in social determinants of health,” he stated. In addition to leading efforts to address these issues, Dr. Naff is also focused on developing future physicians.  He is active in resident teaching at Hopkins’ Department of Neurosurgery where he holds a part-time faculty appointment.   He is committed to mentoring students and early career physicians, and encouraging them to join professional medical organizations, such as BCMS.

ABOUT BALTIMORE CITY MEDICAL SOCIETY ~ Our Physicians, Our Patients, Our City

Baltimore City Medical Society traces its illustrious history to 1788.  It is a component of MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society.  Both organizations represent physicians of varied medical specialties and practice settings.  This year MedChi celebrates its 225 Anniversary and BCMS celebrates 120 years as a component of MedChi.  BCMS proudly continues its mission: to advance the ethical practice of medicine and improve the quality of medical care by providing advocacy, educational programs, and essential resources for physicians.