Advocacy Groups Demand Completion of the Red Line as Fully Light Rail Project: ‘Gov. Moore, Put the Shovels in the Ground!’

Despite Tuesday’s Gonzales Poll showing Gov. Wes Moore’s solidly strong approval ratings across the state, the issue of transportation funding is proving a complicated knot to untie.

Several community and advocacy groups gathered to demand the completion of the Red Line as a 100% Light Rail Transit project (LRT). The Baltimore Transit Equity Coalition (BTEC), CASA, the Climate Communications Coalition, and others penned an open letter to Moore, Maryland’s Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld, and Maryland Transit Administration’s (MTA) Administrator Holly Arnold urging them to proceed with the original LRT project, and calling on Moore to “Put the Shovels in the Ground.”

The LRT project was fully funded and approved until 2015 when then-governor Larry Hogan put a halt to it, returning the federal funding. The group characterized this as a civil rights issue comparable to Jim Crow laws and demanded Moore right what they deemed an “historical injustice.”