Interview with Kate Dilligan, CEO & Founder of Cooler Heads

Kate Dilligan founded Cooler Heads from her personal experience trying to cope with the overwhelming side effects of treatment for breast cancer. After recovery, she set out to build the evidence based products cancer patients need to manage their wellbeing during and after treatment.

When she was diagnosed, Dilligan was an executive at a company she had helped found after graduating from the Stanford Graduate School of Business with her MBA. As employee #2 at KnuEdge, she was a key part of the team which grew the company to over 100 employees and raised over $130M from investors. Dilligan led KnuEdge’s business that focused on building software systems for the US Government. Prior to business school, she had a successful career in politics and was one of the top fundraisers for Democratic congressional campaigns. She holds a BA from Smith College.

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Interview Questions:

Scalp Cooling |Can you explain what scalp cooling is? When did you first become interested in scalp cooling?

Amma | Amma is the first FDA-approved portable and affordable scalping cooling device. Tell us about its development and traction to date.

Medicare | What are the financial implications of Medicare reimbursing?

Milestones | Cooler Heads was founded in 2018. What have been some of the key milestones? Ie. FDA, Medicare reimbursement…

Capital | Please share your story about building up relationships with investors.

Career | You graduated from Stanford Business School in 2003. Tell us about your career after business school.

Growth | What are the growth opportunities for Cooler Heads?

Cooler Heads is using technology to build the evidence based products, content, and services cancer patients need to manage the most daunting side effects of treatment. Their inaugural product Amma is the first portable FDA cleared scalp cooling platform that makes it profitable for infusion centers to help chemotherapy patients keep their hair.

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