GBG IDology Announces Launches GBG Trust, a Cross-Industry, Real-Time Fraud Intelligence Solution

IDology, a GBG Company, today announced GBG Trust, a data attribute monitoring solution that bolsters KYC checks by tracking repeat instances, anomalies and combinations of data across the company’s extensive network in the United States. GBG Trust provides a holistic view of evolving fraud trends and empowers enterprises to make more informed, transparent decisions that improve efficiency, optimize cost and reduce risk.

Increasingly, fraud is orchestrated by criminals who move across industries with stolen data, making it challenging for any enterprise or industry to detect on its own. IDology’s Global Fraud Report: 9th Edition recently identified that 81% of companies think that cross-sector intelligence and collaboration can be a strategic differentiator in beating fraud. With GBG Trust, enterprises can determine a transaction’s trustworthiness in real-time by matching its unique attributes against those already seen across the IDology network of over 650 brands and 28 sectors.

“As fraud tactics and technology evolve, a comprehensive and multi-faceted fraud protection strategy is critical,” said James Bruni, managing director at IDology. “Delivering a fast and convenient customer experience while detecting crossover fraud is no small task. GBG Trust extends the power of IDology’s extensive cross-industry network to give enterprises more robust onboarding intelligence to improve efficiency, optimize cost, reduce risk and, most importantly, deliver secure customer experiences that drive loyalty and revenue.”

GBG Trust gives enterprises the control, accuracy and transparency needed to effectively fight fraud while optimizing the customer experience with:

  • Transparent decisioning to reduce risk, reduce cost and improve the customer experience.
  • A holistic view of crossover fraud and emerging fraud trends using our extensive network.
  • Precise configuration to ensure flexibility and adaptability to emerging fraud trends while reducing false positives.

GBG Trust is available today. Learn more and access our Global Fraud Report: 9th Edition to bolster your approach to fraud protection.

About IDology

IDology, a GBG company and market leader in the Americas, delivers a comprehensive suite of identity verification, AML/KYC compliance and fraud protection solutions to help businesses establish trust, drive revenue and deter fraud. We deliver end-to-end coverage of the customer identity lifecycle, offering standalone and multi-layered capabilities, with thousands of diverse data sources and leading technology for document authentication and ID + selfie verification. Our solutions are trusted to onboard more genuine customers faster and can be implemented quickly to seamlessly and securely verify identities around the world – with confidence. For more information, visit