The Fulcrum Democracy Forum Meets Pedro Silva, Director of Engagement, YOUnify

Pedro Silva, YOUnify Director of Engagement, brings a wealth of cross-sector experience. A veteran of the United States Air Force, who served as both a Satellite Communications Technician and a Mandarin Chinese Language/Intelligence Analyst, he has cultivated the capacity to think missionally and practically–strategically and tactically–on a wide variety of concerns.

In his post military career, Pedro worked as a corporate recruiter for 8 years serving dozens of for profit, not for profit, and B Corporations in the areas of technology, biotech, and more. In 2009, he entered Andover Newton Theological Seminary and for 10 years served as a pastor in the socially active, United Church of Christ. In this role, Pedro built on his passion for civic engagement.

For 3 years he served as the State Representative for the Boulder Caucus of Together Colorado, an organization of the Faith In Action Network, where he worked on a variety of issues at the local to state levels from affordable housing, gun violence, and voting to living wage legislation and the Family Leave Act. He also served on several committees with the local NAACP chapter and worked with the Boulder Community Foundation as an advisor in the wake of the tragic shooting in Boulder.

In addition to these efforts, Pedro hosted numerous in person and online conversations on race in Boulder County, has been an advocate for the homeless community, and has made a mark on the bridging movement through his volunteer work with Living Room Conversations and now as a Director of Engagement with YOUnify.

Most recently, Pedro launched The Liberation Comedy Project, an initiative to draw people closer to one another by positively exposing the comedic in the conflicts that distract us from deeper relating across differences.

Connect with Pedro and Kristina on LinkedIn

In her role as co-publisher of The Fulcrum, Executive Director of the Bridge Alliance Education Fund, and project manager for the Citizen Connect initiative, she is a driving force behind collaborative efforts to transform our democracy. Recognizing that no single idea or organization can address our complex challenges in isolation, Kristina excels in blending intuitive leadership with data-driven insights. Her extensive background in legal operations and change management, coupled with her M.S. in data analytics and research methods, equips her with a powerful skill set. Kristina’s expertise in research is rivaled only by her passion for nonviolence advocacy, amplified by her experiences as the spouse of a disabled combat veteran. Her practical knowledge of business and project management, combined with her connection to a vibrant community of changemakers, brings a focused approach to the essential work required for a thriving democratic republic.