The Fulcrum Democracy Forum Meets Caleb Christen, Co-Founder of Inter-Movement Impact Project

A lawyer by trade, Caleb Christen has served in the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps since 2007, including two deployments to the Middle East, and he is now a senior officer in the Navy Reserve. Attending seminary and an executive education program in Organizational Leadership helped Caleb identify that communities are not thriving as they were intended and that working together is needed to transform American democracy and civic health. As a result, Caleb co-founded the Inter-Movement Impact Project to promote organizing for collective impact. Caleb’s new focus is on “Better Together America,” a collaborative network providing support to the local democracy hubs that are emerging in communities across the U.S.

Caleb holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Wisconsin Law School, a Master of Arts in Christian Practice from Duke Divinity School, a Post-Graduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership from Oxford University, Said Business School, and a graduate certificate in International Politics and Practice and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Connect with Caleb and Kristina on LinkedIn

In her role as co-publisher of The Fulcrum, Executive Director of the Bridge Alliance Education Fund, and project manager for the Citizen Connect initiative, she is a driving force behind collaborative efforts to transform our democracy. Recognizing that no single idea or organization can address our complex challenges in isolation, Kristina excels in blending intuitive leadership with data-driven insights. Her extensive background in legal operations and change management, coupled with her M.S. in data analytics and research methods, equips her with a powerful skill set. Kristina’s expertise in research is rivaled only by her passion for nonviolence advocacy, amplified by her experiences as the spouse of a disabled combat veteran. Her practical knowledge of business and project management, combined with her connection to a vibrant community of changemakers, brings a focused approach to the essential work required for a thriving democratic republic.