States Where Student Loan Delinquency Is Increasing the Most – WalletHub Study

Over the past year, student loan payments have come due with a vengeance (or at least with interest), as students have no longer been able to benefit from the multi-year payment moratorium started during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have struggled to keep up, and being delinquent on student loans has damaged their credit scores and led to other negative consequences like the garnishment of their wages.

To determine where student loan delinquency is increasing the most, and thus where people have the greatest risk of credit score damage and other financial difficulties, WalletHub analyzed proprietary user data from Q1 2024 to Q2 2024.

Main Findings

State Rank
Maine 1
Louisiana 2
Michigan 3
Rhode Island 4
North Carolina 5
North Dakota 6
Delaware 7
Georgia 8
Nebraska 9
New Hampshire 10
New Jersey 11
California 12
Illinois 13
Mississippi 14
Massachusetts 15
Hawaii 16
Kansas 17
Florida 18
Tennessee 19
Wisconsin 20
Indiana 21
Alabama 22
Arizona 23
Pennsylvania 24
Arkansas 25
South Dakota 26
Ohio 27
Maryland 28
Oregon 29
Texas 30
Kentucky 31
Virginia 32
New York 33
Oklahoma 34
Connecticut 35
Utah 36
South Carolina 37
Nevada 38
Minnesota 39
Colorado 40
Iowa 41
Montana 42
Missouri 43
West Virginia 44
Alaska 45
Washington 46
New Mexico 47
Wyoming 48
Idaho 49
Vermont 50
Overall Rank*  State Share of Delinquent Student Loans in Q2 2024  Change in Share of Delinquent Student Loans (Q2 2024 vs. Q1 2024) 
1 Maine 1.60% 32.15%
2 Louisiana 1.57% 17.31%
3 Michigan 0.88% 17.06%
4 Rhode Island 0.22% 15.73%
5 North Carolina 0.89% 15.52%
6 North Dakota 3.11% 15.17%
7 Delaware 1.64% 14.50%
8 Georgia 1.28% 10.18%
9 Nebraska 1.03% 8.65%
10 New Hampshire 0.61% 7.93%
11 New Jersey 1.10% 6.66%
12 California 1.05% 6.52%
13 Illinois 0.92% 6.50%
14 Mississippi 1.30% 6.40%
15 Massachusetts 1.14% 5.43%
16 Hawaii 0.62% 5.42%
17 Kansas 1.05% 5.37%
18 Florida 1.13% 4.17%
19 Tennessee 1.22% 3.92%
20 Wisconsin 0.93% 3.66%
21 Indiana 1.10% 2.80%
22 Alabama 1.13% 2.64%
23 Arizona 0.77% 2.56%
24 Pennsylvania 1.33% 2.52%
25 Arkansas 1.35% 2.15%
26 South Dakota 2.64% 0.91%
27 Ohio 1.05% 0.86%
28 Maryland 1.22% 0.67%
29 Oregon 0.89% 0.52%
30 Texas 1.17% -0.04%
31 Kentucky 0.89% -1.14%
32 Virginia 0.87% -1.40%
33 New York 1.02% -1.99%
34 Oklahoma 1.18% -2.33%
35 Connecticut 1.38% -2.46%
36 Utah 1.20% -2.94%
37 South Carolina 1.53% -3.03%
38 Nevada 1.20% -3.80%
39 Minnesota 1.12% -4.08%
40 Colorado 0.87% -5.04%
41 Iowa 0.66% -5.62%
42 Montana 1.06% -7.50%
43 Missouri 1.11% -9.23%
44 West Virginia 1.16% -9.93%
45 Alaska 1.22% -12.99%
46 Washington 0.83% -13.93%
47 New Mexico 0.78% -16.39%
48 Wyoming 2.35% -18.58%
49 Idaho 0.58% -22.34%
50 Vermont 1.04% -30.03%

Note: *No. 1 = Largest Increase