CropX, a San Francisco, CA-based company which specializes in digital agronomic solutions, acquired EnGeniousAg, an Ames, IA-based startup focused on advanced nitrogen sensing applications for agriculture.
The amount of the deal was not disclosed.
CropX will integrate EnGeniousAg’s technology into its agronomic farm management system, enhancing its capabilities in agricultural nutrient management.
founded by Michael Castellano (ISU), Liang Dong (ISU), James Schnable (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) and Patrick Schnable (ISU), EnGeniousAg designs, manufactures, and deploys instant readout, high-performance, field-based nutrient sensors for crops, soils and water, thereby improving agronomic management practices, increasing grower profitability and sustaining the environment. A spinout from Iowa State University (ISU) based on research conducted with funding from the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E’s ROOTS program.
Led by CEO Tomer Tzach, CropX is a provider of agribusiness farm management solutions deployed in over 70 countries and across all arable continents. Its flagship product, the CropX agronomic farm management system, synthesizes data from the soil to sky to offer advanced soil and crop intelligence and a suite of digital agronomic decision and planning tools, all on an app capable of tracking multiple farms and fields.