Party Land Seeks Super Bowl Work via Cameo Videos

In a bid to score Super Bowl work, Party Land is shaking things up with a series of Cameo videos featuring Cameo videos by The Real Housewives of New York City star Sonya Morgan, musician Kenny G, and even Santa Claus. The independent agency is offering “two free rounds of creative on any Big Game brief,” aiming to catch the attention of brands looking to bring something different, entertaining and humorous to Super Bowl LIX.

Looking for a quick and fun way to stand out—and having had eyes on the custom, commissionable, quick-turn celeb videos Cameo has offered for some time—Party Land took the opportunity to give the platform a whirl for its own pipeline.

Within just four days of coming up with the idea, they had three personalized videos in hand from Sonya, Kenny, and Santa.

“When we decided to promote Party Land for the biggest comedy stage of the year, we knew we were already racing against the clock. That’s why we turned to Cameo, confident we could take the idea from concept to market in under a week,” said Managing Partner Andy Silva.

Aiming for CMOs, marketers and in-house creative teams who are staring down the pressure of making an $8 million media buy pay off, Party Land is promoting the offer with paid media on LinkedIn along with additional PR and direct-marketing efforts. The team hopes the surprise-and-delight factor will bring a fresh, surprising narrative to life on a tight deadline, much like the work they do for clients.

“Spending $8 million on a Super Bowl commercial is the ultimate highwire act for a brand. It’s thrilling to know you’re on the world’s biggest stage, but terrifying to realize that in 30 seconds, you could either make history or be forgotten. With more than two-thirds of Super Bowl ads relying on comedy, this event sits at the perfect intersection of entertainment and advertising. Partnering with someone who truly understands how to create not just ads but breakthrough entertainment is essential for success.” said Andy.

Party Land’s leadership team has experience working on Big Game spots, including the 2013 hit “El Plato Supreme” for Samsung Mobile starring Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd. Now the agency is taking aim at the biggest stage in advertising—and they’re ready to prove it.

The offer of two free rounds of creative development is open until December 31, which gives brands enough time to take advantage of last-minute opportunities or leftover budget. All they need is a realistic Super Bowl brief and a committed media buy.