Stevie Wonder’s We Are You Foundation Celebrates With Wayfinder Family Services

Stevie Wonder’s We Are You Foundation CEO Aundrae Russell presented Arzum Ayse Inanoglu with Wayfinder Family Services’ annual Stevie Wonder Star Student Award during the nonprofit’s holiday celebration.

The Stevie Wonder Star Student Award was established in 2014 to celebrate Wayfinder’s six decades of serving children, youth and adults who are blind or visually impaired and to honor Stevie Wonder, a longtime supporter and member of Wayfinder’s board of directors. Today, Wayfinder serves over 21,000 children, youth and adults across California each year, with expanded services for children with multiple disabilities, those in foster care, adoptive and kinship families and many more.

This year’s Stevie Wonder Star Student Award Recipient, Arzum Ayse Inanoglu participated in Wayfinder’s Camp Bloomfield program this year shortly after her recent total vision loss and impressed counselors and campers with her resilience and bravery.

Russell presented the award and said, “Aside from her bravery, another thing I admire about Arzum is that she has a unique way of making everyone around her feel appreciated and valued. Campers and counselors shared that she exudes gratitude and empathy daily! I can’t think of better qualities for a Stevie Wonder Star Student.”

After the award ceremony, Russell presented a generous donation to Wayfinder. “I want to salute all the parents in the room today, the things you do don’t go unnoticed,” said Russell to the audience filled with families from Wayfinder’s vision impairment, disabilities services and special education programs.

“I’m beyond grateful to Stevie Wonder and the entire team at the We Are You Foundation. Thanks to their decades-long support, Wayfinder has been making an incredible impact on so many deserving children and families,” said Jay Allen, Wayfinder’s president and chief executive officer.

About Wayfinder Family Services 
Wayfinder Family Services is the place to turn for people facing the greatest challenges. The organization provides expert, individualized support and services to children, youth, adults and families—from people with vision impairment and developmental disabilities to children in need of temporary shelter, foster care and adoption.