Interview with Brendan McCorkle, CEO of Cloudmine

Click here for PART II, PART III and PART IV

Reenvisioning the complexity and security of enterprise mobile development; Brendan McCorkle is the CEO of CloudMine.

Headquartered in Philadelphia, with offices in Boston and San Francisco, CloudMine aims to reduce the complexity of backend development for enterprises everywhere. The platform emphasizes mobile performance as well as security and compliance, allowing organizations in a variety of highly-regulated industries to launch mobile initiatives quickly and reliably. Prior to starting CloudMine, Brendan founded Fourth Power Solutions, Textaurant, and the Free Beer Company. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate program of Technology Management.

Brendan McCorkle spoke with Jeff Mack, Executive Managing Director at Newmark Grubb Frank, for this interview.

JEFF MACK: I’m Jeff Mack from Newmark Grubb Knight Frank, and I’m pleased to welcome Brendan McCorkle, the CEO of a company called CloudMine, to citybizlist. Welcome Brendan. Where did you originally get the idea for CloudMine?

BRENDAN MCCORKLE: The original idea for CloudMine was a business modeling class at Penn. My original partner Mo and I took two business ideas through the class—very extensive assumption modeling—we built an overly complicated spreadsheet to test all of these assumptions, and CloudMine actually was the one that held up. So we ran with it for a little while and were building a media archiving—I would say “platform,” because that’s what we do now, but at the time it was a very, very bare bones demonstration that any part of it could work at all. We found out very quickly that no one wanted to use that but they wanted to build this platform, which is now what we do underneath it for their applications. After, in hindsight, way too long—it took 13 or 14 times running into someone who really wanted this platform—before we realized maybe we should do that, not the media archiving.