G. B. Charities Schedules 32nd Annual Bull & Oyster Roast Fundraiser on January 25 at Maryland State Fairgrounds

Non-profit organization founded by high school friends in 1981 has raised and donated more than five million dollars to support underserved youngsters and their families with scholarship support

G.B. Charities has scheduled its 32nd annual Bull & Oyster Roast fundraiser for Saturday, January 25 at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium beginning at 5 pm. The non-profit organization, started by several high school friends in 1980, has raised and donated more than five million dollars to support underserved youngsters and their families with scholarship support from middle school to high school education. The group partners with more than 30 Baltimore-area private and faith-based schools and local organizations. More than 1,5000 people are expected to attend the event. For additional information, visit www.gbcharities.org

The founding group, consisting of the Bozel brothers, Francis Smyth, Tom Brooks, Robert Cawley, Donald Brennan, Charlie Maskell and other close friends, referred to themselves as the “Gutter Boys,” with the realization that their familial background and opportunity to receive a private school education made them extremely fortunate. Not resting on their laurels, the group of friends pledged to “pay it forward” and establish a mechanism in which children living in hard-working but low-income families in at-risk neighborhoods could receive the same education as they did.

G.B. Charities chooses motivated students to receive tuition support for their elementary and secondary school education. Each student is carefully monitored by the non-profit organization for grades, attendance, effort, and conduct. Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and community service programming.

“There is no greater gift then a quality education given its power to transform lives,” explained Dylan Bozel, Senior Real Estate Advisor for MacKenzie Commercial Real Estate Services, who recently joined the organization’s Board of Directors. “Many youngsters do not have the resources, the family support and even the awareness of the difference that a quality education can make on their lives. Among the missions of G.B. Charities is to reach into under-served communities and identify young people that we can help. The support we have received from individuals and corporation has been overwhelming because they understand our goals and can easily see the results of our efforts.”