Newmine Appoints Guy Hipwell To Advisory Board

Newmine, an innovative retail technology and consulting company, announced today the appointment of Guy Hipwell to their Advisory Board. Newmine expanded their reach into Europe in 2019, and the appointment of Hipwell represents their deep commitment to “ensuring retailers thrive,” globally. The mission of the Advisory Board is to unite visionary retail leaders to educate the industry on best practices to advance their competitive advantage through reducing product returns as well as share their enormous domain expertise to focus and enrich Newmine’s mission.

With e-commerce growth fueled by COVID-19, retailers are seeing an unprecedented volume of product returns. Newmine’s Advisory Board will evangelize the benefits of returns reduction as well as the innovative solutions Newmine provides to solve what has become one of retail’s most expensive problems. “With high street retailers struggling and the unique challenges the UK and Europe face when it comes to product returns, representation in this market is essential,” says Newmine’s Founder and CEO, Navjit Bhasin.

Hipwell, who has held senior board positions with retailers in Europe, says “I’m delighted to be working with Newmine to amplify the benefits of reducing product returns. Their AI-powered platform, Chief Returns Officer® provides key intelligence that retailers need to transform their business.”

The Newmine Advisory Board also includes former retail executives Graziano de Boni and Rich McMahon. “We are delighted at the caliber of talent our new Advisory Board attracted,” says Bhasin, “and are looking forward to sharing the benefits of returns reduction across the globe.”


Comprised of former retail and supply chain executives with deep experience in retail strategy, operations, and technology, Newmine’s vision is to ensure retailers thrive in a transforming world. In addition to their operations and technology consulting practice, Newmine seeks to disrupt the returns management market with AI-driven returns reduction solutions. Newmine’s Chief Returns Officer® is an AI-powered platform that gives retailers a holistic view of integrated returns-related data from across the enterprise, prescribes corrective actions, and enables collaboration. For more information, visit

About Guy Hipwell

Guy Hipwell has held senior board level positions with retailers in the UK and Continental Europe and has run complex international omnichannel organisations operating simultaneously across countries with differing languages, currencies, legalities, and consumer behaviours. He is recognised in Europe as an expert in digital transformation.