Wait, What Just Happened?
By Alex King, CEO, Cestrian Capital Research, Inc.
If, like me, you have limited hobbies or outside interests, then you may spend a lot of time – perhaps too much time, I don’t know – watching markets. Boring, you may say, and I would applaud your undoubted creativity in finding more things to do with your time. But I would say, well, if you are so minded, few things are as fascinating as the Greatest Video Game On Earth, being the Great Circus Designed To Take Money From Poor People And Give It To Rich People, otherwise known as the securities markets.
I love securities markets. They are an endless source of amusement to me. The incredible number of head fakes, ducks, dodges, sca…. – sorry, strategies, that’s right, strategies – designed to keep Big Money making the big money and everyone else being merely a source of funds to bigs – it is enormously creative. Every day a new, er, strategy.
The lazy response to all this strategizing by Big Money is to declare markets a game that cannot be won, a trick, a scam, etc. That’s a very expensive form of laziness because you are just missing out on the free money that the market can give you if only you learn the rules of the Greatest Video Game On Earth. I don’t play video games, well, not games that aren’t the Greatest Video Game anyway. But my observation is that, really, if you can learn the complex and interlocking rules and nuances and tricks etc. required to excel in any modern video game – then there is no reason why you can’t get yourself some of the good free money on offer from the market each and every trading day.