Paralyzed Veterans of America Elects Charles Brown as its National President

Paralyzed Veterans of America today announced that U.S. Marine Corps. veteran Charles Brown, who previously served as PVA’s national senior vice president, will now hold its highest elected office as the new national president. Brown was elected by PVA’s Board of Directors during PVA’s 75th Annual Convention, which wrapped up May 22. Brown, along with PVA’s new executive committee, will begin their one-year term on July 1, 2021.

“PVA has given me so much throughout the years,” said David Zurfluh, outgoing PVA national president. “I gave my heart and soul to this organization, and I will continue to do so. I welcome Charles as the new PVA president and I give him my full support.”

A native of Missouri, Brown joined the military in 1985 and was trained in aviation ordnance. Just one year later, he sustained a spinal cord injury during a diving accident while serving in Cherry Point, NC. During his rehabilitation at the Department of Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury Center in Augusta, GA, Brown became a member of PVA’s Southeastern Chapter and has remained active with the veteran service organization ever since.

“I am honored to join our 33 PVA Chapters across the U.S., our national office, and all of our staff, volunteers, supporters, and donors in our shared fight to help PVA members and all those with disabilities,” said Brown. “Since my introduction to PVA at my bedside more than three decades ago, I remain steadfast in my efforts to lead this organization and to help it grow and become even better.”

Since his injury, Brown has gone on to work with PVA at both the local and national levels. Among the positions he has held are PVA Gateway Chapter’s Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator, advocacy director, treasurer, and vice president; PVA Florida Chapter’s hospital committee chair, secretary, hospital liaison, national director, and president; and PVA executive committee’s national vice president and senior national vice president. He has also served on numerous PVA national committees, including strategic planning, planned giving, and resolution.

“I’ve had countless PVA mentors throughout my life – those who helped me get up after my injury, pushed me to get active at the chapter levels, and encouraged me to be involved with the national office,” continued Brown. “PVA is in great hands, not because of me but because of the team that PVA is and has been for 75 years. Together, we are all the face of PVA and we will continue to let everyone know that we count, that our voice matters, and that we deserve the same rights as everyone else.”

Brown joins PVA’s newly elected Executive Committee for FY21, to include:

  • U.S. Army veteran Robert Thomas, national senior vice president
  • U.S. Air Force veteran Marcus Murray, national secretary
  • U.S. Navy veteran Tom Wheaton, national treasurer
  • U.S. Marine Corps veteran Hack Albertson, national vice president
  • U.S. Air Force veteran Josue Cordova, national vice president
  • U.S. Air Force veteran Tammy Jones, national vice president
  • U.S. Army veteran Michael Negrete, national vice president

With the election of Brown, U.S. Air Force veteran David Zurfluh will now serve the organization as its immediate past president.

About Paralyzed Veterans of America
Paralyzed Veterans of America is the only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated solely to the benefit and representation of veterans with spinal cord injury or disease. For 75 years, the organization has ensured that veterans receive the benefits earned through service to our nation; monitored their care in VA spinal cord injury units; and funded research and education in the search for a cure and improved care for individuals with paralysis.